Resources for Craft Organizations and Individuals in the Craft Community in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
For a list of funding resources available from the Federal and Provincial governments, please refer to our COVID-19 Funding Support page.
December 2, 2020
Throughout 2020, Craft Alliance Atlantic and our craft industry partners in Atlantic Canada have been lobbying to both the federal and provincial governments for support on behalf of the craft community in response to ongoing challenges relating to COVID-19.
In April, we sent out an economic impact survey throughout our network to track the estimated impact that closures would have on the industry, the results of which were published in a report in May 2020.
The impact continues to be felt; Craft Alliance with our partners are committed to acting as a voice of the craft community. We know that despite the widespread introduction, and eventual exhaustion, of relief funds on the federal and provincial levels, the work to lobby for economic support is not done.
To follow-up on the previous economic impact surveying conducted approximately six months ago, we are asking craftspeople and other industry organizations and retailers to once again self-evaluate the financial impact of the global pandemic on their business by submitting an economic impact sheet to our office (send to A general response survey is available: We urge you to please consider responding to both the general survey as well as sending any loss template that is relevant to your business.
Télécharger le formulaire pour réponses par individus : Documentation-des-pertes-Individus.xlsx
We appreciate the time afforded by anyone who is able to contribute to this initiative. We value your input and promise to use this information responsibly; no personal data will be shared from this surveying.
Continue reading below for our initial response to the impact of COVID-19 and nationally implemented social distancing measures.
Re-opening Guidelines for Craft Businesses and Organizations
In partnership with the provincial craft councils of the Atlantic Provinces, we have developed a set of guidelines for craft businesses making efforts to remain open for business. This document gives general advice to members of the craft community for businesses such as craft studios, craft shops and galleries preparing to re-open. This document does not constitute any form rules or regulations, and is an interpretation of the rules as set out by public health directives at the time of publication, and is subject to change.
Download Re-Opening Guidelines for Craft Businesses:
The most important aspect of re-opening businesses is to follow your provincial Public Health Directives. It is important to note that in Atlantic Canada, all 4 Atlantic provinces are at different phases in the COVID-19 recovery, so COVID recovery will be different in each province and region. The changes to public health directives are ongoing, so as recovery phases change, the requirements for social distancing, mask wearing, group gathering limits and other measures will also change. Businesses should stay informed by following updates on their respective provincial government’s COVID-19 information web pages.
Sector Report from Loss Estimates – Published April 28, 2020
Following the immediate fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Spring of 2020, Craft Alliance collected loss estimates from across the Atlantic region to build a picture of the potential impact of COVID-19 on craft makers and craft retailers in Atlantic Canada. The results of this survey showed an estimated $56.5 million overall impact on the craft industry in 2020 – approximately $17.8 million in losses for craft producers, and $38.7 million in lost income for craft retailers. We will be working to develop a follow-up report to this publication in 2021.
A joint-statement from Craft Alliance Atlantic Association and our partner organizations:
Craft Council of Newfoundland & Labrador
Craft NB
Craft Nova Scotia
Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design
Prince Edward Island Craft Council
March 18, 2020 – Craft Alliance Atlantic and our craft industry partners in Atlantic Canada are working to advocate to both the federal and provincial governments on behalf of the craft community in response to the current COVID-19 virus. The COVID-19 crisis has hit Atlantic Canada and has created the need for emergency measures to be implemented; from the closure of craft organizations, craft shops, craft centres, galleries and exhibitions, as well as markets and trade shows.
Through the implementation of social distancing and work-from-home policies, restrictions on large gatherings to the outright cancellation of events, it has impacted our community in a number of ways. While we realize the importance of protecting the public with these necessary steps and support their application, we also see the devastating impact to the craft industry and anticipate significant losses as a result, with the approaching spring and summer tourism season. In short, we recognize that the impact of COVID-19 may have long-term effects on the sustainability of the industry as a whole.
We are advocating for there to be financial support from all levels of government for craft makers in Atlantic Canada to provide some level of security to assist in managing the unprecedented loss of revenue due to the pandemic. There must also be consideration for funding to assist with recovery from this economic disaster to stimulate and revitalize the sector once society begins to return to normal. Craft Alliance has created two “loss of revenue” templates to assist craft producers and organizations, along with retail shops and galleries, in identifying actual and expected losses due to COVID-19. Please see the links below. You can download the templates to help you identify your individual situation.
Download the Loss of Revenues Document – Individual Craftspeople & Artists (Excel File)
Download the Loss of Revenues Document – Craft Councils, Retail Craft Shops & Galleries (Excel File)
Téléchargez les versions en français des modèles de documentation pour la perte de revenus causés par COVID-19:
Formulaire de documentation des pertes – Pour individus
Formulaire de documentation des pertes – Organizations, détaillants et galeries
Craft Alliance Atlantic Association with the provincial crafts councils of Atlantic Canada are asking individuals fill out this form with estimates of potential losses in the upcoming months due to COVID-19 pandemic. Completed estimates should be forwarded to We strongly recommend as well, as suggested by the Canada Council for the Arts, that individuals use this sheet to maintain actual figures to track loss of income over the coming months as the situation progresses. On an individual level, this may assist in making claims for support from any Federal or Provincial Government aid that could be rolled out to help offset economic impacts of COVID-19.
We are asking in the coming weeks for anyone involved in the craft community to complete an “Anticipated Loss of Revenues” statement and forward it to, so that we can compile data on the expected impact of COVID-19 and relay that information to the provincial and federal governments. In addition to this, the Canada Council for the Arts has advised all artists to document their loss of revenues due to COVID-19 on an ongoing basis, so we strongly suggest also using these sheets as a means of tracking financial losses as the situation progresses.
We are working with our partners at the Canadian Crafts Federation to advocate to government during these unprecedented times. The Canadian Crafts Federation has written to the Government of Canada, urging support for the Craft Community due to an unprecedented impact on the sector stemming from the reaction to the Coronavirus. We are urging the craft community to also advocate on your behalf to ensure the viability of the craft sector going forward.
“You are not alone. You may be feeling isolated, anxious and fearful, but it is not time to panic. It is time to prepare and act. There are resources to support you, and people who want to help. We are stronger together”.
– Tanya Priske, Executive Director – Centre for Women in Business, Halifax, NS
Connect with the Craft Community
Craft Alliance and our partners continue to offer business advice by email or phone, by appointment. You can also reach out to your provincial craft councils and other business development agencies, if you are unsure how to manage. Support is there for:
• sorting through COVID-19 resources to support you and your business
• talking through your unique business situation
• helping to determine a plan for what’s next
• completing an Expected Loss Statement to be included in our Loss of Revenues Profile of the craft sector in Atlantic Canada.
Support within the Craft Community
We want to know how you think we can support each other during this time. We’d love for you to share with us:
• What’s one way that you’re responding to COVID-19 that you’re proud of?
• What’s an innovative way you think businesses can respond to COVID-19?
• What’s one piece of advice you would give during this time?
• What resource would you find the most helpful during COVID-19?
• What’s one way you’re practicing self-care as a business owner?
Email and let us know, and we’ll share with the wider community through social media.
The next few weeks and months will be challenging, there’s no doubt. There’s also no doubt that we will get through this together.
Join our Facebook group to continue the discussion
For the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 and preventative measures, please visit your provincial health or COVID-19 response websites:
Nova Scotia –
New Brunswick –
Prince Edward Island –
Newfoundland & Labrador –
World Health Organization: Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports
Canada Council for the Arts –
Arts Nova Scotia
Arts NB
Arts NL
Arts PEI
COVID-19 National Emergency Resources For Marginalized Artists & Communities (includes Mutual Aid Funds, Petitions & more.):
Acadian Association of Professional Artists of New Brunswick (AAAPNB)
Centre for Women in Business
Government of Canada
Online Community for arts income loss discussion:
Facebook group: