
Welcome to the Resources section of the Craft Alliance Web Portal. Here you’ll find a number of helpful tools for craft producers looking to expand their business into the areas of export and wholesale.

If you have any questions about these resources, you can contact the Craft Alliance office.

Training Documents

Guides and training material for Makers at every part of their career—from those just starting out to those looking to expand.

Wholesale & Export Support Documents

Templates, lists, sample contracts, and other useful resources for wholesale and exporting. (Login required)

Essential Government Export Documents

Government guides, forms, and checklists for exporting products from Canada.

CRAFT X: Magnet Export Portal

Intelligent matching technology and a collaborative network to help businesses match to opportunities that matter.

Supporting Diverse Makers

Partnerships & Initiatives that support equity communities within Atlantic Canada.

Craft Industry Resources

Links to a variety of craft resources, including schools, government agencies, and industry organizations.

COVID-Related Information

Resources for Craft Organizations and Individuals in the Craft Community in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
