The CCF/FCMA’s 2018 Annual National Conference, Placemaking: The Unique Connection Between Craft, Community + Tourism will take place October 10th – 15th, with three distinctive sessions. Join us in beautiful Nova Scotia for this wonderful gathering of craft sector leaders from around the country. With one session in Halifax and another in Lunenburg, you will experience two sets of tours, panels, lectures, and networking, with a dose of East Coast charm.
The conference explores the question: What does craft look like in relation to community? In order to create a craft identity, artists and organizations are engaging and experimenting within culture and community in an effort to attract and retain tourist audiences, and to improve quality of life for all. Placemaking will highlight the role of contemporary craft culture in strengthening and encouraging community development. By exploring the positive impact of craft practice on both physical and virtual communities, we’ll share information on craft’s role in enhancing the sense of belonging, understanding, and appreciation of community members, leading to happier, healthier, more positive social interactions.

This video, from our conference in Quebec City (September 2015) features interviews with our attendees, who describe why it’s so important attend!




Creating Space : Artist & Gallery Perspectives
Moderator: Susan Hanrahan (Executive Director of Craft Nova Scotia)
Speakers: Carrie Allison (Indigenous Visual Artist), Emily Blair Wareham & Chantel Gushue (Founders of Co-Adorn Art Jewellery Society)

Panelists will discuss their roles in community art and engagement, with each speaker addressing their recent activities, the intentions of their actions, and their role in developing – or even subverting – the craft community. Includes Nova Scotia based artists, galleries, and collectives, providing different insights on the needs of a thriving cultural sector.


Educational Impact : The Ripple Effect of Craft Schools
Moderator: Sandra Dupret (Dean/Principal of Fleming College’s Haliburton School of Art + Design)
Speakers: Rory MacDonald (Associate Professor of Ceramics at NSCAD University
)Wilfred Moore (Founder of the Lunenburg School of the Arts), and David Freeman (Luthier & Founder of Timeless Instruments)

Craft Schools are not an island unto themselves. Institutions large and small across the field of craft are actively contributing to modern practice, as well as the wider community and economy of their hometowns – and beyond. This discussion will reveal some of the unique programming taking place across Canada, and the power of an empowered educational system. The panel will include representatives from educational institutions in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia, including privately run institutions, public colleges and universities.


Contemporary Craft Practice : Thinking Big in a Small Place
Moderator: Tom McFall (Arts Administrator & Collector)
Speakers: Joan Bruneau (Ceramic Artist) and Laurie Swim (Textile Artist)

Featuring three artists who live and work in small communities, but whose work breaks beyond geographic confines, this panel will explore the many projects and experiences of creatives in the field of craft who are actively contributing to modern craft practice in Canada and beyond. Through their work, they encourage craft artists to see themselves as part of a larger community – as key contributors to Canadian craft and the cultural aesthetic of Canada.


Community Practices : Non-Traditional Partnerships
Moderator: Doug Bamford (Ceramic Artist)
Speakers: Rowena House (Executive Director of the Craft Council of Newfoundland & Labrador), more to be confirmed.

Every community has its own flavour, but what are the commonalities between successful craft-based public spaces? How do these communities, large and small, harness the strength of craft practice to make their hometowns a better place? Learn about unique programs and public activity that has helped some small towns flourish through craft.


Halifax: Lord Nelson Hotel & Suites – special conference rate: $169/night (To book call 1-800-565-2020)

Lunenburg: Smugglers Cove Inn, room rates vary (1-888-777-8606)
