How to Sign-up as a Retailer

Information you should have on hand before you start the sign-up process:
  • Your main contact information
  • Your company contact information
  • Information about your retail presence and the categories you sell within
Ensure the Primary Contact for your organization/company creates your free account.
To browse full profiles on the site, you are required to register a retailer profile.

Signing up for the Craft Portal as a retailer is a straightforward process, and is free of charge. If your store is in a different geographic location than your personal home, please make sure to register using the contact information for the retail location, as we will use this information to verify that your shop is open and active.

After you set up your account, access is immediate.  Be sure to enter your GST/HST number to access the complete virtual marketplace. Craft Alliance does verify all retailers for the marketplace, please ensure retail profile is accurate. Please note, the portal Producer search is all current producers on the site.  The Craft East Virtual Marketplace is only those producers who have signed up to accept wholesale ordering online.   
