Portal FAQ for Retailers

Here are some of our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) regarding the Craft Alliance web portal for retailers.
Is this a sales platform?

The Craft East Virtual Marketplace site is designed to be a networking type platform. We do not process sales. All orders are sent directly to the craft producing companies for confirmation; additional taxes and shipping fees may be applicable to orders.

Our goal is to connect producers with retailers, and facilitate their business relationships. We do not handle or take any percentage of sales, nor do we take responsibility for any transactions that occur between users who connect through this site.

What are the requirements for registration on the website?

To view full producer profiles and products on the Craft Alliance site you must be a retailer of wholesale craft goods. Upon receiving your registration, the Craft Alliance will review your information before confirming your registered status on the site. Please note that to access the Virtual Marketplace, you must complete your profile with all fields filled including a GST number provided.

What does my registration get me?
Your registration as a retailer grants you access to browse an online network of sellers of wholesale craft products from Atlantic Canada.

Features included with your producer registration include:

  • Custom business page – brand yourself and appeal to potential producers by making this page your own
  • Custom lists – keep track of craft producers you’re interested in and those with whom you are currently doing business
  • Direct contact with producers – if you see a product that you like, you can contact that producer directly through the site to request pricing, manufacturing information, additional images, etc.
Are there any costs I should be aware of?

There is no cost to using this web platform or for attending the Craft East Expo as a buyer.

We are working to offer advertising rates for businesses who would like to run banner ads or have their listings appear at the top of search results. Updates will be sent to you via email as new features become available.
