For Exhibitors

Are you a craft, giftware or apparel producer interested in the wholesale giftware market?  You can find all the information and tools needed to participate in the Craft East Buyers’ Expo on our website. This section will give craft producers thinking about wholesaling their products, all the information and access to complete their online profile and apply to participate in Craft East.

Sign-up Process for Exhibitors

Have an Account already? Login and complete your application by going to the ‘Projects’ section of the portal to submit your exhibiting options.

Don’t have an account yet? Sign-up for your ‘Trade Show’ Account.

For more information, please read our Frequently Asked Questions.

To be an exhibitor at Craft East Buyers’ Expo you must first set up a Producer account on the Craft Alliance Virtual Marketplace and be jury assessed. Click here to find out more.

Already have an account? All you have to do is login and signup!

If you have previously attended the Atlantic Craft Trade Show (ACTS), you must still complete the required profiles and account information. Approval will be granted, once staff have reviewed your account.

Register for Craft East Buyers’ Expo!

Once you have a Producer profile completed, visit our Projects page to register your booth for the event. To check on availability of space contact the Craft East/Craft Alliance office for more details.
